
欧洲女性在金融2023 -赢家

By 最佳执行 | 4 minute read | January 19, 2024

玛丽亚德怀尔, 存董事总经理, Head of 客户端 服务 oversees a global team of over 500 employees. She is the Winner of 2023’s Excellence in 领导 and shares her thoughts on that topic as well reflecting on the achievements she is most proud of, 以及DE的挑战&在工作场所.

You recently won the award for “Excellence in 领导”. What is your approach to 领导, and how do you motivate your team?

领导是一种特权. My achievements are only possible because of my team. 最终, my job is to make sure that my team is supported and given the opportunities to develop and grow. I believe it is critical that members of a team know they are empowered, have a voice and understand that they each play a meaningful role in the work that is done. At the same time, team members must receive support in reaching their own development goals.

团队文化对我来说非常重要, and I try hard to cultivate a collaborative environment based on integrity, 问责制和伙伴关系, I work to ensure that teams have open lines of communication to share where they need assistance or to escalate an issue, while at the same time feeling empowered to drive their own book of work forward.

As a servant leader, I also do not see teams as hierarchical. 而不是, I believe it is critical to surround ourselves with colleagues and team members of all levels and backgrounds, who each bring their own unique strengths and perspectives. The best thing I can do is surround myself with people who are better at certain things than me, 知道什么时候该依靠自己的力量. Steve Jobs had a quote that really resonates with me – “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do.“当我们团结成一个团队, we can collaborate and combine our strengths to provide the best solutions for the organization while delivering our best work.

作为领导者 in the industry, which of your achievements are you most proud of?

我对任何一件事都不感到骄傲, 而是, I am very proud of how we collectively and consistently support our clients with strategic initiatives that drive engagement and industry advancement while continuing to improve our processes. Recent initiatives such as our work to migrate 1200 clients to our 中医 platform and the expansion of the firm’s My存 portal to an additional 20K+ 机构贸易处理 (ITP) clients stand out as key achievements. 具体地说, My存 was a critical project because it enabled ITP clients to benefit from an enhanced online support experience, 具有单点登录等功能, expanded search functionality and the ability to manage communication preferences. There is no greater feeling than seeing an initiative like this one come to fruition and provide a better experience for our clients.

更广泛地说, 我们也放眼未来, as the industry continues its digital transformation. Balancing innovation with managing “business as usual” remains an on-going priority for my team and me, 对于公司来说. This continued pursuit of advancement and driving value, while maintaining the safety and soundness of the markets each day, 是我们引以为豪的事吗.

多样性 has become a key priority across financial services organizations. How do you further support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace?

DEI is very important to the success of individual teams and the larger organization. 支持多样性, I have actively participated in 存’s Women’s Employee Resource Group (WINS) since its inception in 2010. 亚太区/ EMEA轮班的存员工, 我经营一个WINS Lean In圈子,叫做Chrysalis, which supports participating employees with professional development and networking delivered via monthly meetings. 我还正式指导了五个人.

作为领导者, I am acutely aware of my responsibility and my commitment to being an advocate for rising professionals, and to serve as a sounding board and support system for women that will shape the future of the workplace. 为此目的, I am also passionate about my work with Girlguiding, an organization dedicated to guiding and supporting girls with the knowledge they can “do anything”. 这是我参与Girlguiding的一部分, I lead a “Rainbows” unit for girls aged 4-7 in Central London. 通过这项工作和我在存的角色, I am proud to play a small role in the future of our industry as well as the next generation of female leaders to come.

How are you seeing diversity, equity and inclusion impact the industry? Does anything need to still change for the better?

今天, I do not think we are where we need to be when it comes to diverse representation across our industry, especially at senior management levels and on corporate boards. 理想情况下,组织应该反映社会. But this work continues and its progress – which we are seeing - is not always linear. 集体, we can continue to support greater equity within our own organizations by continuing to focus on, 优先考虑并实施多元化倡议. We can also build tomorrow’s pipeline of future leaders by helping to shape and support younger generations.

本文最初发表于 最佳执行 2024年1月17日.


