

存 clears and settles millions of securities transactions, valued in the billions, every day. In “存 For Public Good,” 你的目的.S. 资本市场服务, market challenges that created the need for centralized clearing and the rise of 存 are outlined. The educational paper reviews key advances in clearance and settlement and how these services have benefitted the markets. It also illustrates how 存 provides stability in times of crisis, 从9/11恐怖袭击中, to the 2008 financial crisis and the global COVID-19 pandemic.


存 has long worked with the industry to identify ways to enhance efficiency and reduce costs in post-trade processing. 经过多年, 全行业的努力, securities settlement was shortened in 2017 from T+3 to T+2 (or two business days after a trade is executed). Shortening the settlement cycle further would reduce the risks that drive margin requirements and reduce costs to clearing members.

2023年2月.S. 美国证券交易委员会5月28日宣布, 2024 as the implementation date for the move to T+1 settlement for transactions in US cash equities, corporate debt and unit investment trusts. 获取加速结算vns6060威尼斯城官网.


存 actively explores how transformative technologies like distributed ledgers, cloud computing and artificial intelligence can further enhance the post-trade process by mitigating risk, creating efficiencies and reducing costs.

存’s strategy and business development team spearheads its global initiatives around 技术 research, technical development and thought leadership. The team is responsible for ensuring effective collaboration with market participants and key stakeholders around the world to advance technologies, while promoting standardization and best practice. 获取创新vns6060威尼斯城官网.


存 has a long history of engaging with policymakers globally on cyber security readiness and resiliency. Operational resilience and ongoing efforts to combat cyber threats are priorities for 存, 它的客户和行业参与者. This work is vital to the efforts of financial institutions and market utilities to support clients and global financial markets in the face of growing cyber threats, 自然或操作中断. 作为这些努力的一部分, 存 works with industry members and government agencies to raise awareness of and mitigate the impact of cyber-threats, and has stressed the importance of a robust threat information-sharing environment, particularly across critical infrastructures. 存在董事会任职 分析与恢复中心 (“ARC”) in addition to the board for Sheltered Harbor (“SH”). Formerly known as the Financial Systemic 分析与恢复中心 (“FSARC”), the ARC provides a forum for US financial services critical infrastructure operators to identify 系统性 risks and develop solutions to mitigate or resolve the potential impacts of these risks. 访问网络安全vns6060威尼斯城官网.


As the global derivatives markets are highly interconnected, derivatives data must be consistent across all jurisdictions. Significant progress has been made on global data standardization for the purposes of monitoring OTC derivatives 系统性 risk and identifying market abuse. Coordination is critical to achieve the G20 goal of creating transparency in the global OTC derivatives market to mitigate 系统性 risk, and policymakers must implement recommended reforms to enable the aggregation and analysis of data reported to trade repositories across multiple jurisdictions. 访问数据协调vns6060威尼斯城官网.

多样性、股票 & 包容

在全球市场中, 存 believes that firms must embrace diversity and inclusion, and reflect the communities and regions they serve to be best positioned for future success. Companies must actively drive the change they want to see and make it happen. 存 is deeply committed to advocating for, 和推进, policies and practices that promote diversity and inclusion, and to creating workplaces where the status quo can be challenged, unique perspectives are welcome and unconscious bias is addressed. Access diversity and inclusion resources.


存 is focused on mitigating risk and enhancing the resiliency of the global financial marketplace. Risk management has undergone a dramatic transformation in the financial industry in recent years, 用更广泛的, 更复杂的, 更多样化的角色. Responsibilities now include traditional financial risk categories, 同时也是可操作的, 系统性, 技术, 供应商和实物风险, 业务连续性管理.

存 takes a holistic view of risk and has adopted a consistent, enterprise-wide approach for measuring and managing risk. 为了支持这项工作, 存 established a Systemic Risk Office (SRO) in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis to further expand 存’s risk management capabilities. The SRO is dedicated to identifying, monitoring and containing potential 系统性 threats. 访问SROvns6060威尼斯城官网.

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